World Hepatitis Day
Since 2013, we have been supporting the Gwiazda Nadziei (Star of Hope) Foundation and other members of the Koalicja Hepatologiczna (Hepatological Coalition) in the implementation of projects related to the World Hepatitis Day celebrated on 28 July.

Our yearly task is to fight ignorance about one of the most serious health problems of our time. How do we do that? Among others, we try to send our message directly to the recipients – in shopping centres, on buses, on city streets. We organised happenings and press conferences, and set a new Guinness record encouraging to test for HCV and HBV. Through active media relations, we also raise awareness of the threat of hepatitis locally, we inform about the importance of medical examination, the availability of modern treatment and campaigns offering free HCV testing organised by Gwiazda Nadziei on a regular basis.
In 2017, in connection with World Hepatitis Day, we carried out Gwiazda Nadziei’s informational and educational campaign on social media. In just one month, the reach of posts on the foundation’s Facebook page increased by 258 percent, and the total reach of the site increased by as much as 925 percent.