We keep constantly in touch and maintain positive relationships with clients, journalists, opinion leaders,
experts, influencers and non-governmental organisations.
We understand the spheres our clients and operate within. We usually work with clients for
several years and are learning about them all the time.
We like our work and our team of a few experienced consultants. We create a positive atmosphere. We are a friendly company.
Most of all we enjoy engaging in activities that are important to people. Regardless of the project
we stick to one iron rule: senior staff do the job.
PR consultant with many years of experience, which includes managing projects for such clients as Gilead Sciences, Krajowe Centrum ds. AIDS (National Centre for AIDS), Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, MSD, Mylan, Zenith Optimedia, ING, Brinks and many more. He managed the international research project Pro-Health65 + coordinated by the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University, financed by the European Union. Board member of the Grupa Robocza na Rzecz Innowacji w Ochronie Zdrowia (Working Group for Innovation in Health Care) association. A crisis advisor, media coach and lecturer. As a journalist, he worked with several magazines such as the International Herald Tribune, Haaretz Daily Newspaper, Rzeczpospolita, Wprost and Playboy. Co-author of a series of books depicting the culture, traditions and environments of dozens of countries in Europe and around the world.
Przemysław Barowicz has worked in the public relations industry since 1997. Former managing director at Alert Media Communications. He gained his experience in Burson-Marsteller, BCA Edelman PR Worldwide and UniCredit Bank Pekao SA. He has mastered corporate communication, crisis management and internal communication. In his previous work, he designed communication strategies and implemented projects for many companies, including Coca-Cola, Citibank, Deutsche Boerse, Dębica, Gilead, Goodyear, KC AIDS, Kraft Foods, Lotto, MSD, Mylan, Novartis, Philip Morris, and Unilever. A graduate of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw, he also holds an MBA from the International School of Management. Owner of the consulting company PRYM PR.