National Aids Centre

We carried out a successful National AIDS Centre “Czy wiesz, że…” (Do you know that…) educational campaign conducted on the Internet with the participation of experts – infectious diseases doctors. Among the tools that were used, it is worth mentioning Google Adwords, Programmatic technology, as well as activities in social media and nationwide information portals. The campaign was a continuation of the “I have time to talk” (#mamczasrozmawiac) action, which we helped conduct between 2017 and 2019.

We collaborated with influencers including ambassadors Rafał Maślak, Maciej Musiał or Maria Seweryn, bloggers including Doktor Lu, Wyrwane z kontekstu, StayFly, Socjopatka and vloggers such as O! Matko i Córko. We managed to create a network of engaging and original content that met with a lot of interest from recipients.